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Museums and
Experience design


Best corporate design in Latin America

British Consul Brochure


Best poetry book published in Chile

"Qué se ama cuando se ama"

That you love when you love, by Gonzalo Rojas

Hello! we are a creative studio. We love design.

What do we do in Australis Design 

Museografía del Museo del Banco de Chile en Valparaíso, diseñado por Manuel Araneda-Castex
Las metáforas de Chile, libro diseñado por Manuel Araneda-Castex
Desarrollo web the (THE) un evento de EoV, FIT SUNY y NYU KJCC

Latest works 


About us 

We are a studio dedicated to the development of design projects, architecture and other disciplines such as archaeology. We work in teams of professionals according to each project and each work. We can build anything from a website to a museum.

In exhibition designs and museology we work with a wide range of specialists..

In the corporate sphere we generally work with engineers, entrepreneurs, and specialists who help us build identity, then, the brand.

In this area, the British Council Socius Seminar design won Theobaldo Nigris Award for the best corporate design in Latin America.

In the publishing field we have published many books, for the chancellery, the National Library, the Library of National Congress, publishers and authors. The book developed for the Chile Pavilion at the FIL in Guadalajara won the award for the best poetry book published in Chile.

We designed an exhibition and also, from August to January (2024) photographs and books were exhibited at the Gladys Marcus Library at FIT in a traveling exhibition called "Through Hispanic Eyes: Poetry and Photography" organized by Echo of Voices and which will open again soon at the new New York Public Library in Inwood. New York University (NYU) participates in this initiative.

In April 2023 on "Chile Day" we presented a photography exhibition, and we work on two editions in St. Etienne, France.

In 2021/2 we worked on the Quaternary Museum Project with the office of historian Christine Gleisner in Berlin.

Now we are building a mural in the FIT Department of Modern Languages ​​and Cultures Laboratory, at the State University of New York (SUNY).

We have designed and built museums throughout Chile, from Antofagasta to Puerto Williams, capital of the Chilean Antarctic Territory.

In addition, the Chilean Pavilions in Lisbon (worked in París), Hannover, Guadalajara and Shanghai.

In March 2022, an interview was published in the New York magazine Viceversa.

Currently the office has been dedicated to the development of websites. Also to architecture and research projects.

meet our director

main collaborators

Some Clients of our Studio 

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Get in Touch

Manuel Araneda Castex

Master in Architecture and Design

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Australis Design Director

Instagram: @aranedacastex

Taller en Farellones

Camino don Humberto 21757 

Lo Barnechea, Santiago, Chile

P.O. Box 7886

New York NY 10116 - 7886

New York, USA

ou si vous préférez vous pouvez contacter mon agent en France

Luis Yanjari

An interview in the NY Magazine Viceversa

English    Castellano

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